
Authentication to the APIs will be through an OAuth2 client_id and client_secret which will be sent as a header parameter. The key will be provided by Taskmonk.




Generate client credentials

API authentication uses OAuth2 client credentials mechanism. client_id and client_secret can be generation by any user having admin access to Taskmonk web application. Kindly follow the steps mentioned in the below link to generate credentials in the preprod or production environment.

Get access token

Authentication for all the APIs will be through an access token which can be fetched using this API. Use the client_id and client_secret generated in the previous step.

Endpoint: /api/oauth2/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=client_id&client_secret=client_secret

Method: POST

Params: grant_type, client_id, client_secret

Content-Type: application/json

Response: {

“token_type”: “Bearer”, “access_token”: “Y2IyMDVhOTAtMGU1My00ZDM3LTg3ZjQtOWI1OThmYzY4Nj”, “refresh_token”: “ZGJiMWI4MTktNjA2NS00ZTVhLWIxODQtM2VjMjQ0OWJiNm”, “expires_in”: 3500


Add the header {“Authorization” : “Bearer $access_token” } to all the below given APIs. Replace access_token with the String received in the response of above API.

Refresh access token

On expiry of the access token, the refresh_token can be used to get a new access token

Endpoint: /api/oauth2/token?grant_type=refresh_token&client_id=client_id&client_secret=client_secret&refresh_token=refresh_token

Method: POST

Params: grant_type, client_id, client_secret

Content-Type: application/json

Response: {

“token_type”: “Bearer”, “access_token”: “Y2IyMDVhOTAtMGU1My00ZDM3LTg3ZjQtOWI1OThmYzY4Nj”, “refresh_token”: “ZGJiMWI4MTktNjA2NS00ZTVhLWIxODQtM2VjMjQ0OWJiNm”, “expires_in”: 3500


Add the header {“Authorization” : “Bearer $access_token” } to all the below given APIs. Replace access_token with the String received in the response of above API.